Here is a nice text effect for a headline on your website
Here is how you can have nice text effect for a headline on your website.
Put the code below within your site's source code. If you dont know how to implement this code into your site, please goto how to implement the code to your website
<!-- this script is from www.manycodes.com --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <h2> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> /* Neon Lights Text By JavaScript (http://learniran.com) Over 500+ free scripts here! */ var message="Welcome to my weblog!" var neonbasecolor="gray" var neontextcolor="yellow" var flashspeed=100 //in milliseconds ///No need to edit below this line///// var n=0 if (document.all){ document.write('<font color="'+neonbasecolor+'">') for (m=0;m<message.length;m++) document.write('<span id="neonlight">'+message.charAt(m)+'</span>') document.write('</font>') //cache reference to neonlight array var tempref=document.all.neonlight } else document.write(message) function neon(){ //Change all letters to base color if (n==0){ for (m=0;m<message.length;m++) tempref[m].style.color=neonbasecolor } //cycle through and change individual letters to neon color tempref[n].style.color=neontextcolor if (n<tempref.length-1) n++ else{ n=0 clearInterval(flashing) setTimeout("beginneon()",1500) return } } function beginneon(){ if (document.all) flashing=setInterval("neon()",flashspeed) } beginneon() </script> </h2> <font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.manycodes.com/category/java/javascript-codes/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Free Code</span></a></font>