Don’t let the user use right click on mouse
Here is how you can disable right-click on your webpage.
Put the code below within your site's source code. If you dont know how to implement this code into your site, please goto how to implement the code to your website
<pre><!-- this script is from www.manycodes.com --></pre> </style> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> document.onmousedown=click var times=0 var times2=10 function click() { if ((event.button==2) || (event.button==3)) { if (times>=1) { bye() } alert("No right clicking!!!!!! don't do it again.."); times++ } } function bye() { alert("I said NO right clicking! click ok to exit LMAO!"); bye() } </SCRIPT> <pre> <font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.manycodes.com/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Free Code</span></a></font></pre>
Here is how you can implement the code to your website
Here is how you can implement the code to your website
Make your website as user’s homepage
Here is how you can make the title of the your webpage scroll.
Put the code below within your site's source code. If you dont know how to implement this code into your site, please goto how to implement the code to your website
<!-- this script is from www.manycodes.com --> <A style="CURSOR: hand; font-decoration: underline" onclick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://www.javascriptfreecode.com');" href="\">set as your home page</A><br><font face="Tahoma"> <font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.manycodes.com/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Free Code</span></a></font>