Have firelights after the mouse on your website
Here is how you can have firelights after the mouse on your website.
Put the code below within your site's source code. If you dont know how to implement this code into your site, please goto how to implement the code to your website
<!-- this script is from www.manycodes.com --> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- BODY{ overflow:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; } .s1 { position : absolute; font-size : 10pt; color : blue; visibility: hidden; } .s2 { position : absolute; font-size : 18pt; color : red; visibility : hidden; } .s3 { position : absolute; font-size : 14pt; color : gold; visibility : hidden; } .s4 { position : absolute; font-size : 12pt; color : lime; visibility : hidden; } //--> </STYLE> <DIV ID="div1">*</DIV> <DIV ID="div2">*</DIV> <DIV ID="div3">*</DIV> <DIV ID="div4">*</DIV> <p align="center"> <font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2"><a Kit</a></font></p> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" TYPE="text/javascript"> var nav = (document.layers); var tmr = null; var spd = 50; var x = 0; var x_offset = 5; var y = 0; var y_offset = 15; if(nav) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onmousemove = get_mouse; function get_mouse(e) { x = (nav) ? e.pageX : event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft; y = (nav) ? e.pageY : event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop; x += x_offset; y += y_offset; beam(1); } function beam(n) { if(n<5) { if(nav) { eval("document.div"+n+".top="+y); eval("document.div"+n+".left="+x); eval("document.div"+n+".visibility='visible'"); } else { eval("div"+n+".style.top="+y); eval("div"+n+".style.left="+x); eval("div"+n+".style.visibility='visible'"); } n++; tmr=setTimeout("beam("+n+")",spd); } else { clearTimeout(tmr); fade(4); } } function fade(n) { if(n>0) { if(nav)eval("document.div"+n+".visibility='hidden'"); else eval("div"+n+".style.visibility='hidden'"); n--; tmr=setTimeout("fade("+n+")",spd); } else clearTimeout(tmr); } // --> </SCRIPT><font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.manycodes.com/category/java/javascript-codes/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Free Code</span></a></font>
How to have two lines following mouse on your website
Here is how you can have two lines following mouse on your website.
Put the code below within your site's source code. If you dont know how to implement this code into your site, please goto how to implement the code to your website
<!-- this script is from www.manycodes.com --> <!-- START OF Mouse Cursor Crosshairs DHTML --> <!-- SUMMARY BRIEF This DHTML script will make a crosshair to follow your mouse cursor around. You can change the color of the crosshair by changing the color hex codes in the <style> tag in the <head> of your document. --> <!-- Put this portion of the script inside of your <HEAD> tag --> <style> <!-- #leftright, #topdown{ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 1px; height: 1px; layer-background-color: #FF0000; background-color: #FF0000; z-index: 100; font-size: 1px; } --> </style> <!-- Put this code after your <BODY> tag. --> <div id="leftright" style="width:expression(document.body.clientWidth-2)"></div> <div id="topdown" style="height:expression(document.body.clientHeight-2)"></div> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- if (document.all&&!window.print){ leftright.style.width=document.body.clientWidth-2 topdown.style.height=document.body.clientHeight-2 } else if (document.layers){ document.leftright.clip.width=window.innerWidth document.leftright.clip.height=1 document.topdown.clip.width=1 document.topdown.clip.height=window.innerHeight } function followmouse1(){ //move cross engine for IE 4+ leftright.style.pixelTop=document.body.scrollTop+event.clientY+1 topdown.style.pixelTop=document.body.scrollTop if (event.clientX<document.body.clientWidth-2) topdown.style.pixelLeft=document.body.scrollLeft+event.clientX+1 else topdown.style.pixelLeft=document.body.clientWidth-2 } function followmouse2(e){ //move cross engine for NS 4+ document.leftright.top=e.y+1 document.topdown.top=pageYOffset document.topdown.left=e.x+1 } if (document.all) document.onmousemove=followmouse1 else if (document.layers){ window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) window.onmousemove=followmouse2 } function regenerate(){ window.location.reload() } function regenerate2(){ setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",400) } if ((document.all&&!window.print)||document.layers) //if the user is using IE 4 or NS 4, both NOT IE 5+ window.onload=regenerate2 //--> </script> <!-- END OF Mouse Cursor Crosshairs DHTML --> <font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.manycodes.com/category/java/javascript-codes/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Free Code</span></a></font>
How to put a text following mouse on your website
Here is how you can put a text following mouse on your website.
Put the code below within your site's source code. If you dont know how to implement this code into your site, please goto how to implement the code to your website
<!-- this script is from www.manycodes.com --> <!-- START OF Mouse Cursor Text Trailer DHTML --> <!-- SUMMARY BRIEF This DHTML script will make a text message follow your cursor around the screen. You can change the message to say whatever you want. You can change the font face, color and size in the .trailersytle tag below. You can change the message in the javascript below that. Just look for the comment that says "Insert your personal message below." --> <!-- Put this portion of the script inside of your <HEAD> tag --> <style> .trailerstyle { position: absolute; visibility: visible; top: -50px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Verdana; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; } </style> <script> <!-- var x,y var step=20 var flag=0 // Insert your personal message below. // Important: Do NOT remove the space at the end of the sentence!!! var message=" www.javascriptfreecode.com " message=message.split("") var xpos=new Array() for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) { xpos[i]=-50 } var ypos=new Array() for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) { ypos[i]=-50 } function handlerMM(e){ x = (document.layers) ? e.pageX : document.body.scrollLeft+event.clientX y = (document.layers) ? e.pageY : document.body.scrollTop+event.clientY flag=1 } function mousetrailer() { if (flag==1 && document.all) { for (i=message.length-1; i>=1; i--) { xpos[i]=xpos[i-1]+step ypos[i]=ypos[i-1] } xpos[0]=x+step ypos[0]=y for (i=0; i<message.length-1; i++) { var thisspan = eval("span"+(i)+".style") thisspan.posLeft=xpos[i] thisspan.posTop=ypos[i] } } else if (flag==1 && document.layers) { for (i=message.length-1; i>=1; i--) { xpos[i]=xpos[i-1]+step ypos[i]=ypos[i-1] } xpos[0]=x+step ypos[0]=y for (i=0; i<message.length-1; i++) { var thisspan = eval("document.span"+i) thisspan.left=xpos[i] thisspan.top=ypos[i] } } var timer=setTimeout("mousetrailer()",30) } //--> </script> <!-- Put this code inside of your <BODY> tag. --> <script> <!-- for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) { document.write("<span id='span"+i+"' class='trailerstyle'>") document.write(message[i]) document.write("</span>") } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } document.onmousemove = handlerMM; //--> </script> <!-- Lastly, insert the following into the <BODY> tag, itself, just like the example that follows. --> <body onLoad="mousetrailer()" style="width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll"> <!-- END OF Mouse Cursor Text Trailer DHTML --> <pre><font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.manycodes.com/category/java/javascript-codes/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Free Code</span></a></font></pre>
How to make hearts following the mouse pointer trail on your webpage
Here is how you can make hearts following the mouse pointer trail on your webpage. Brighten your webpage by adding this trail to the mouse pointer on your site.
Put the code below within your site's source code. If you dont know how to implement this code into your site, please goto how to implement the code to your website
<!-- this script is from www.manycodes.com --> <div id="dot0" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; height: 11; width: 11;"> <img src="http://www.javascriptfreecode.com/heart.gif" height=11 width=11> </div> <div id="dot1" style="position: absolute; height: 11; width: 11;"> <img src="http://www.javascriptfreecode.com/heart.gif" height=11 width=11> </div> <div id="dot2" style="position: absolute; height: 11; width: 11;"> <img src="http://www.javascriptfreecode.com/heart.gif" height=11 width=11> </div> <div id="dot3" style="position: absolute; height: 11; width: 11;"> <img src="http://www.javascriptfreecode.com/heart.gif" height=11 width=11> </div> <div id="dot4" style="position: absolute; height: 11; width: 11;"> <img src="http://www.javascriptfreecode.com/heart.gif" height=11 width=11> </div> <div id="dot5" style="position: absolute; height: 11; width: 11;"> <img src="http://www.javascriptfreecode.com/heart.gif" height=11 width=11> </div> <div id="dot6" style="position: absolute; height: 11; width: 11;"> <img src="http://www.javascriptfreecode.com/heart.gif" height=11 width=11> </div> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- hide code var nDots = 7; var Xpos = 0; var Ypos = 0; // fixed time step, no relation to real time var DELTAT = .01; // size of one spring in pixels var SEGLEN = 10; // spring constant, stiffness of springs var SPRINGK = 10; // all the physics is bogus, just picked stuff to // make it look okay var MASS = 1; // Positive XGRAVITY pulls right, negative pulls left // Positive YGRAVITY pulls down, negative up var XGRAVITY = 0; var YGRAVITY = 50; // RESISTANCE determines a slowing force proportional to velocity var RESISTANCE = 10; // stopping criterea to prevent endless jittering // doesn't work when sitting on bottom since floor // doesn't push back so acceleration always as big // as gravity var STOPVEL = 0.1; var STOPACC = 0.1; var DOTSIZE = 11; // BOUNCE is percent of velocity retained when // bouncing off a wall var BOUNCE = 0.75; var isNetscape = navigator.appName=="Netscape"; // always on for now, could be played with to // let dots fall to botton, get thrown, etc. var followmouse = true; var dots = new Array(); init(); function init() { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < nDots; i++) { dots[i] = new dot(i); } if (!isNetscape) { // I only know how to read the locations of the // <LI> items in IE //skip this for now // setInitPositions(dots) } // set their positions for (i = 0; i < nDots; i++) { dots[i].obj.left = dots[i].X; dots[i].obj.top = dots[i].Y; } if (isNetscape) { // start right away since they are positioned // at 0, 0 startanimate(); } else { // let dots sit there for a few seconds // since they're hiding on the real bullets setTimeout("startanimate()", 1000); } } function dot(i) { this.X = Xpos; this.Y = Ypos; this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; if (isNetscape) { this.obj = eval("document.dot" + i); } else { this.obj = eval("dot" + i + ".style"); } } function startanimate() { setInterval("animate()", 20); } // This is to line up the bullets with actual LI tags on the page // Had to add -DOTSIZE to X and 2*DOTSIZE to Y for IE 5, not sure why // Still doesn't work great function setInitPositions(dots) { // initialize dot positions to be on top // of the bullets in the <ul> var startloc = document.all.tags("LI"); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < startloc.length && i < (nDots - 1); i++) { dots[i+1].X = startloc[i].offsetLeft startloc[i].offsetParent.offsetLeft - DOTSIZE; dots[i+1].Y = startloc[i].offsetTop + startloc[i].offsetParent.offsetTop + 2*DOTSIZE; } // put 0th dot above 1st (it is hidden) dots[0].X = dots[1].X; dots[0].Y = dots[1].Y - SEGLEN; } // just save mouse position for animate() to use function MoveHandler(e) { Xpos = e.pageX; Ypos = e.pageY; return true; } // just save mouse position for animate() to use function MoveHandlerIE() { Xpos = window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; Ypos = window.event.y + document.body.scrollTop; } if (isNetscape) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onMouseMove = MoveHandler; } else { document.onmousemove = MoveHandlerIE; } function vec(X, Y) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; } // adds force in X and Y to spring for dot[i] on dot[j] function springForce(i, j, spring) { var dx = (dots[i].X - dots[j].X); var dy = (dots[i].Y - dots[j].Y); var len = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); if (len > SEGLEN) { var springF = SPRINGK * (len - SEGLEN); spring.X += (dx / len) * springF; spring.Y += (dy / len) * springF; } } function animate() { // dots[0] follows the mouse, // though no dot is drawn there var start = 0; if (followmouse) { dots[0].X = Xpos; dots[0].Y = Ypos; start = 1; } for (i = start ; i < nDots; i++ ) { var spring = new vec(0, 0); if (i > 0) { springForce(i-1, i, spring); } if (i < (nDots - 1)) { springForce(i+1, i, spring); } // air resisitance/friction var resist = new vec(-dots[i].dx * RESISTANCE, -dots[i].dy * RESISTANCE); // compute new accel, including gravity var accel = new vec((spring.X + resist.X)/MASS + XGRAVITY, (spring.Y + resist.Y)/ MASS + YGRAVITY); // compute new velocity dots[i].dx += (DELTAT * accel.X); dots[i].dy += (DELTAT * accel.Y); // stop dead so it doesn't jitter when nearly still if (Math.abs(dots[i].dx) < STOPVEL && Math.abs(dots[i].dy) < STOPVEL && Math.abs(accel.X) < STOPACC && Math.abs(accel.Y) < STOPACC) { dots[i].dx = 0; dots[i].dy = 0; } // move to new position dots[i].X += dots[i].dx; dots[i].Y += dots[i].dy; // get size of window var height, width; if (isNetscape) { height = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset; width = window.innerWidth + window.pageXOffset; } else { height = document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop; width = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft; } // bounce off 3 walls (leave ceiling open) if (dots[i].Y >= height - DOTSIZE - 1) { if (dots[i].dy > 0) { dots[i].dy = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dy; } dots[i].Y = height - DOTSIZE - 1; } if (dots[i].X >= width - DOTSIZE) { if (dots[i].dx > 0) { dots[i].dx = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dx; } dots[i].X = width - DOTSIZE - 1; } if (dots[i].X < 0) { if (dots[i].dx < 0) { dots[i].dx = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dx; } dots[i].X = 0; } // move img to new position dots[i].obj.left = dots[i].X; dots[i].obj.top = dots[i].Y; } } // end code hiding --> </script> <font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.manycodes.com/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Free Code</span></a></font>
Don’t let the user use right click on mouse
Here is how you can disable right-click on your webpage.
Put the code below within your site's source code. If you dont know how to implement this code into your site, please goto how to implement the code to your website
<pre><!-- this script is from www.manycodes.com --></pre> </style> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> document.onmousedown=click var times=0 var times2=10 function click() { if ((event.button==2) || (event.button==3)) { if (times>=1) { bye() } alert("No right clicking!!!!!! don't do it again.."); times++ } } function bye() { alert("I said NO right clicking! click ok to exit LMAO!"); bye() } </SCRIPT> <pre> <font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.manycodes.com/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Free Code</span></a></font></pre>